Belly Binding for Postpartum Recovery

I don’t know if it’s just me but something happens between the last hours of pregnancy and the first hours postpartum where my brain moves from “I love my bump” to “I need to get rid of this bump asap”. Even though I just grew an entire human for 9 months and then delivered him/her through my body, it somehow no longer seems cute to still look 6 months pregnant once the baby is here. One of the most difficult things about my postpartum body has been giving myself and my body the same grace to do the work to get back to its pre-pregnancy state as it did to get me, my baby. Belly binding was wonderful help in my postpartum recovery journey.

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With You Every Step: Partnering with Confidence in the Birth Journey

Are you a supportive and confident birth partner?  You are about to embark on a remarkable journey - one filled with anticipation, love, and incredible strength of a laboring mother. As a birth partner, your role is vital, and your unwavering support can make a world of difference in confidence and be an incredible ally to you baby mama. 

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Using a TENS Unit in Labor as Pain-Relief

After my first pregnancy ended in an emergency c-section, I knew I had to get educated and do things better the next time around. During my second pregnancy, my doula introduced the tens unit to me. I wasnt sure I would like it or that it would be effective but let me tell ya … it helped me labor naturally and I had the birth I desired! Learning natural pain management remedies was a game changer and I couldn’t have done it without my doula.

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How to avoid labor stalls

Labor takes time. Let's face it. All of us desire a short labor, but sometimes our babies may need a little more time than others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. The saying, "Labor is a marathon and not a sprint" is 100% accurate. Let me educate you about labor stalls and help you Werk Your Birth.

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