How I had a Pain Free birth experience
Image by Carmen Bridgewater
One of the biggest lies society tells us that you can’t have an unmedicated birth without some pain. I am here to tell you that it’s all a myth. The truth is that birth can be pain free, manageable, and enjoyable. Pain is a type of sensation our bodies experience but how you view and manage that sensation may be the key to how you experience it. In my second and third births, I experienced pain-free births. Intense? Yes. Painful? No.
Obviously, I don’t claim that all mamas can experience a pain free birth; however, there are many women that do claim they had a positive and pain free birth experience. It is and it is so unfair to put the narrative out there that birth must be painful and miserable and can't be enjoyable or manageable. This teaches mamas to fear birth rather than love it.
My first birth experience was traumatic. But I was able to turn my trauma into triumph because birth has been enjoyable for me the last two times and I hope to be able to do it again one day.
So, how do you achieve a pain free birth experience?
Birth is a physiological experience - meaning that in most cases (not all), our bodies can birth our babies without intervention or medication due to complications of pain. It requires so much work from our minds as well as our bodies. But it’s a good work - one that brings life into this world.
Birth is 80% (if not more) mental and 20% physical.
This is an unpopular opinion, but from my own experience and from those whom I have supported through birth, our birthing experiences were significantly impacted by our abilities to be mentally and spiritually prepared for the experience we desired. Even if things changed or didn't go our way, we could handle it because we were mentally and spiritually prepared. Much of how we prepare and manage birth mentally will impact the physical experience. The more fears we carry, the more pain we will experience.
Because your body won’t be fully relaxed and surrendered for you to experience the birth you want. The fear-tension-pain cycle shows that the more we fear or anticipate something we don’t desire (aka fear of contractions or pain), the more our body tenses up when we think about them or experience them; which leads to more pain. But, if you’re confident and know how to werk your birth, then your perspective can change your experience of the seemingly scary parts of birth such as contractions.
I can confidently say that my third birth was easy. I was very focused on my mental and spiritual preparation to not allow my physical experience of birth overtake my mental experience of birth. Honestly, I was so sad it was over because it was such an enjoyable experience.
I want you to have a pain free birth experience too!
All you have to do is commit yourself to the process of preparing properly. Invest your mind, body, emotions, time and resources. It is so worth it and I want it for you.
Check out my YouTube video explaining how you can achieve a pain-free and enjoyable natural birth. If you want further education and support, then sign up for my Werk Your Birth coaching program and let me teach you how to be confident and work towards a pain free birth.