The Surprising Power of Relaxing During Labor + 5 Relaxation Techniques

If you are reading this you’re most likely pregnant and I want to thank you for being here and congratulate you!! Mama, you’re having a baby!!! 

I imagine that as you embark on this incredible journey of motherhood, you are searching the internet for all of the tips and tricks for labor. I know it’s important to equip yourself with knowledge and tools that can make the birthing experience smoother and more empowering so let’s help you safely and naturally bring your baby earthside with the power of relaxation. 

Throughout history, women have tapped into the power of relaxation during labor, intuitively knowing that it could help them cope with the intensity of contractions. When you're in a state of relaxation, your muscles loosen, allowing your body to work more efficiently. You may discover that you can go with the flow of contractions, embracing their rhythm and finding a sense of surrender. It's a beautiful dance between your body and your baby, facilitated by the power of relaxation.

Now, let's take a closer look at a few essential relaxation techniques that can help you be prepared during the birthing process. These techniques have been embraced by countless mothers, and their effectiveness in promoting comfort and empowering births is truly amazing.

1. Deep Breathing techniques

When it comes to relaxation during labor, deep breathing is a tried-and-true technique that forms the foundation of serenity. By focusing on your breath, you can anchor yourself in the present moment and create a sense of inner peace. 

Begin by finding a comfortable position, whether it's sitting, standing, or even swaying. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing your belly to expand. Then, slowly exhale through your mouth, releasing any tension or discomfort. As each contraction arises, continue this rhythmic breathing pattern, visualizing the ebb and flow of the waves. Feel the nourishing oxygen entering your body and imagine it bathing your baby with love and tranquility.

  1. Control your breathing during contractions 

  2. If we start to get anxious then our breathing increases and our heart rate increases and does not help us stay relaxed. Practicing breathing now can help you handle stressful situations during labor.

  3. The destressor breath - 4 seconds in 6 seconds out. Breathing from the belly making sure your stomach is filled with air. 

Each of these tools is essential during labor and can all work together to help you be in control in what could be the most challenging thing you’ll ever experience. 


The practice of using essential oils is an effective way to enhance relaxation during labor. They have powerful and calming effects and can really calm your mind and create a soothing environment. 

Different scents promote different emotions. If I want to stay relaxed or calm I could diffuse lavender, frankincense, or rose. If you are nauseous or have a lot of headaches then peppermint is a great oil to alleviate some of that tension. If you deal with anxiety, copaiba is a really good essential oil to use topically while in labor to help you stay relaxed and remove some of the stress from the body. 

These are beneficial both during pregnancy and during labor. You can use them in various ways: 

  1. Diffusion: Invest in an essential oil diffuser and add a few drops of your chosen oil. As the fragrance fills the room, it can create a calming and serene ambiance.

  2. Massage: Dilute a few drops of essential oil in a carrier oil, such as almond or coconut oil. Your partner or birth companion can gently massage your back, shoulders, or feet with the aromatic blend, promoting relaxation and easing tension.

  3. Inhalation: Place a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball or tissue and inhale deeply during contractions. The soothing scent can help anchor you in a state of tranquility.

Remember, when using essential oils, it’s crucial to choose high-quality, pure oils and consult with a certified aromatherapist or healthcare provider to ensure their safe usage during pregnancy and labor.

3. birth support (hire a doula)

The presence and support of your partner or a loved one can make a significant difference during labor. Their comforting touch can serve as an anchor, providing you with emotional support and promoting relaxation. Their presence isn't enough though. They will need to be educated in order to properly advocate and support you. You may need something from your partner that you don't even know you need and if your partner can't help contribute then you may end up more stressed. 

Communicate with your partner beforehand about the kind of touch and comfort measures that you find soothing. Whether it's a gentle massage on your lower back, holding your hand, or simply maintaining a loving presence, their involvement can help you relax more deeply. Your partner can also join you in practicing the previously mentioned techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization, allowing you to synchronize your energies and journey through labor together

4. Create a calm environment 

Your birthing environment can make or break your birthing experience. Make it what you want and let it be known. Stand firm in your desires and efforts to create the environment you want. 

Understand your options. You can give birth at home, in a hospital, or at a birthing center … know what you want and create a plan for success. Just because you want to give birth at a hospital doesn't mean you have to be there at the exact moment contractions get bad. You can labor at home in a peaceful and supportive environment with familiar surroundings and then once things progress more you can go to the hospital. Or if you want to give birth at home learn if you want a water birth or just birth in bed. Whatever you want, do the research to figure it out and know your options and then create the environment you want and surround yourself with that. 

As I talked about above, incorporating aromatherapy into your relaxation toolkit can tap into the power of scent and create an environment that nurtures relaxation and calmness throughout your birthing journey. 

5. Address your fears and turn them into affirmations 

So many of us have fears associated with birth. Could be fear of a c-section, fear of birthing in the car, scared about not being seen or heard, or that the color of your skin will make it too hard. 

The last thing you want to do is have all of these fears get triggered during labor and create tension in your body while you’re laboring. Turn the fears into affirmations. If you don’t trust your body then labor is going to be pretty difficult. Address your fears so that you can track the source and learn about your options so that when the fear arises - you have an affirmation that will put the fear aside. 

Mamas that go into labor with fear of birth experience more pain in labor than those who don’t. You have to address your fears if you want those fears to not be present during labor. It is possible to have a pain-free birth if you have the right techniques and prepare correctly, both mentally and physically. Get your mind ready. 

Visualization (Visual Imagery) is a powerful tool that allows you to create and inhabit a mental sanctuary during labor. By conjuring up images that evoke serenity and strength, you can transport your mind to a place of calm amidst the intensity of contractions.

Before labor begins, find a quiet moment to envision a place that brings you joy and peace. It could be a serene beach, a lush forest, or a cozy space in your home. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the details of this mental oasis. Engage all your senses—feel the warmth of the sun, listen to the gentle sounds of nature, and breathe in the scent of your surroundings. As labor progresses, retreat to this sanctuary in your mind, allowing it to infuse you with a sense of calm and resilience.

Ultimately, you want to maintain a peaceful state of mind - that comes from controlled breathing, your environment, your team, and addressing your fears all WHILE YOU’RE PREGNANT. 

These were just a few ways to practice relaxation techniques during your pregnancy. To learn more about how to become mentally and spiritually prepared for your labor, schedule a free call with me to see how I can support you here.