I was in the room for seven minutes before she was born

Today, we would like to introduce you to Tyschell Carson.

Tyschell, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story!

What was your greatest challenge in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining Werk Your Birth program?

My greatest challenge in preparing for birth before learning from Chanel was actually finding a doula. I knew from the moment that I found out I was pregnant, that I wanted a doula who was a woman of God and looked like me, black. I live in the SF Bay Area and I was just having a really difficult time finding someone who fit that description. 

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

Chanel was recommended to me by one of my friends and sisters in Christ. She would rave about how wonderful her doula was and how much knowledge she and her husband had acquired from taking the Werk Your Birth course. She also mentioned to me that Chanel was a black woman of God. At that point, it was a no-brainer! Once my husband and I signed up and were given access to all of the materials, I took a quick glance at all of the topics that would be covered and was immediately pleased with our investment. 

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so tell us about your birth? Walk us through your story! 

My birth story started on Sunday morning, April 10, 2022. It was around 7:50am when I got out of bed to use the restroom. When I got up, I felt a gush of liquid coming from me and said aloud, "uh oh." My husband said, "what happened?" and I replied, "I think my water broke, hold on." So I walked to the bathroom and when I sat down, more came out and I saw what is considered bloody show. I called out to my husband,, "yeah babe, this is it" and he replied, "here we go!... should we call Chanel?" I told him that I would just put on a pad (something I learned from her during the program) and text her to see what she thought we should do next. When I got back in bed, I texted her and she suggested that my husband and I go on our last official date as a childless couple and to monitor the fluid coming out. She also told me that it was okay to still go to church. So that's what we did! After getting out of bed, I prepared myself for the day and we went to church. I had a few contractions during that time but nothing notable. After church, we did one last check of our hospital bags and then went to the movies. We watched Sonic the Hedgehog 2. While at the movie theaters, I had a few more contractions. The most intense being when I went to the restroom. After the movie, we went to Sweet Green so that I could get a salad and some roasted sweet potatoes. At this point, It was about 7:30 pm and the contractions had begun to happen more often. They weren't painful, only stronger. After Sweet Green, my husband took me to Pink Berry to get a frozen yogurt dessert before heading back home. While at the register, I was literally handing the cashier my debit card when I had the strongest contraction that I had had all day. I unexpectedly froze with my card in my hand. The cashier said, "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" With every other part of my body completely still, my mouth moved and said, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just having a contraction." With panic in her voice, she said, "oh my goodness, do you need help? Are you okay? Why are you by yourself?" I said, "Oh no, my husband is right there, and yes I'm fine. I'm kinda in labor but all is well, I'll be meeting my baby soon." Suddenly, the contraction stopped, I grabbed my yogurt, and said "Thank you, have a good night!" As I walked away, the cashier was standing there staring at me with the most confused look on her face with her mouth slightly ajar. It was hilarious. On the way home, I had more contractions but nothing painful, just tightness. I told my husband that I was going to shower and get ready for whatever happened next. When we got home it was bout 8:30 pm. I used the restroom and then got in the shower. While in the shower, things shifted very quickly. My contractions picked up. They were now starting to hurt a little and they also started to closer together. When I got out of the shower, I called laid on the couch and called my mom on FaceTime. Around 9:00 pm is when I started active labor. My husband and I kicked into full-on "let's get her out" mode! We did all of the exercises that Chanel taught us. I spent a lot of time on the "dilation station" also known as the toilet with my squatty potty. I used all of the breathing techniques that Chanel taught me. My husband counted for me, which helped a lot because I had a hard time concentrating on the numbers. This entire time, we are communicating with Chanel via text. At around midnight, my husband called her to give her an update. She suggested that I try to get some rest because by that time I was exhausted! I laid down on my right side and tried to rest between contractions. She wanted me to do some exercise (that I can't remember right now) on both sides in order to help the baby move down. I remember not being able to do it on both sides. I could only lay on my right side comfortably. After a while, I was finally able to fall asleep. I don't know how much time had actually passed but I was awakened by the craziest contraction yet. This contraction literally forced my legs open! I jumped out of bed as fast as I possibly could and frantically told my husband, "Call Chanel, call her right now! The baby is coming!" When he called her, she had me do a few more stretches and exercises on the ball. I had to use the bathroom really badly. I remember her telling us in her course that when the baby is on the way, your body does its best to eliminate toxins and waste in the form of either vomit or diarrhea. I had the latter. I was so embarrassed that I kept farting while she was on the phone. After using the bathroom, we started doing high knees and that was the move that got baby girl into position. After the third set of 10 high knees, I had one more contraction that made me think, "okay, we gotta go!" Thankfully, my husband had already put all of our stuff in the car. So I grabbed my pillow, slipped on my slides, and wobbled to the car. When I got to the car, Chanel asked me if I wanted to sit on my bottom or hold onto the back seat and sit on my knees. I could feel that my baby's head was too low for me to sit on my butt so I chose to be on my knees. Thank God we only live about 15 minutes away from the hospital. On the way to the hospital, I was trying my best to remember to breathe properly and to relax as best as I could. My husband decided to be a law-abiding citizen for the most part and stop at all of the lights. It wasn't until we got halfway to the hospital that I had a really intense contraction that made me feel like I had to poop! I told Chanel, "I feel like I have to use the bathroom!" Chanel said, "Number one or number two?" I said, "Number two! I feel it in my butt!" That is when my husband started to yield at the red lights before blowing through them. At last, we pull up to the entrance of the hospital. My husband got out of the car to come around and open my door and grab a wheelchair. While he was grabbing the wheelchair, I had an even stronger contraction and yelled, "THE RING OF FIRE!! Oh my gosh, I feel the baby's head, the baby's head is right there!" Chanel said in such a calm voice, "Okay Tyschell, if you think you feel the baby's head, you need to get out of the car and start walking right now." I immediately got out of the car, handed my husband the phone, and went inside. I left my shoes and everything. As I wobbled barefoot into the elevator all I kept saying to myself was, "Lord, please do not let me have my baby by myself in this elevator." When the elevator doors opened, there was an older woman by the name of Susan standing there. She was so sweet, kind, and gentle. She asked me my name and walked me to the labor unit. She told the nurses my name and then suddenly she was nowhere to be found. When I got to the nurse's station, they told me that they had a room ready for me and led me to the room. When I got to the bed, it was 2:12 am. The nurses helped me remove my pants and encouraged me to lie down. At that point. my husband finally made it into the room with me. The nurses kept asking me how many cm dilated I was and I kept telling them that my baby's head was right there. We went back and forth like that a couple of times. The nurses said, "Can we check how dilated you are?" and I replied, "I am telling you, the baby's hair is RIGHT there!" Finally one of the nurses checked, looked at the other nurse, and said, "I can see the baby's hair." I said, "I told you." Chanel was still on Zoom with us when she told my husband to tell the nurses to put me in a better position. At the time, I was on my back. In my birth plan, I specified that I wanted to either give birth on hands and knees or on my side. Turns out, I only had enough energy to turn to my side. Shortly after turning over, I had two very strong contractions. The first contraction expelled Mycah's head, and the next expelled her body. I never had to push! My body with the help of my breathing pushed her out! At 2:19 I met my baby! I was in the room for seven minutes before she was born. Everything happened so quickly that they didn't even have enough time to hook me up to an IV for antibiotics for my GBS. Praise the Lord for that too because I later found out that I am allergic to the medication that they were going to give me! After Mycah was born, we spent our golden hour together, they checked her while on my chest, and everything was great. My placenta came out a little later than expected but everything was still very normal. I used the bathroom and then was transported to the maternity room. All of the nurses were really impressed by the speed at which everything occurred. The labor, birth, and my postpartum pee. All of it came and went really quickly. We stayed in the hospital for two nights and then took our gift from heaven home. 

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

Werk Your Birth positively impacted my birthing experience by empowering me with knowledge. Navigating pregnancy for the first time can be challenging for those who do not have the proper education about what to expect or what action steps to take when it's time for the baby to come. Unfortunately, our healthcare system in the US has a history of not treating black and brown women with the same care as our white counterparts. I had always feared childbirth prior to working with Chanel. However, she really made me feel like I had the God-given power to birth my baby and to do it pain-free and unmedicated. 

This could be your story too. Apply here. 

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

The course and the doula services (yes, even virtually) have made my husband and I confident in our ability to do this again and again. We want more children and I believe that what we learned from Chanel will help us tremendously during future pregnancies and births. I am now confident in my ability to have a home birth next time around. 

Were there any results you weren't expecting that pleasantly surprised you? 

I was not expecting my baby to come so quickly but I am very happy that she did. 

What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

I would tell her that it is important to be educated about her options during this entire process. I would also tell her that having someone in your corner that is not only knowledgeable but who is also passionate about mamas advocating for themselves, is something to deeply consider. 

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

If there was someone who was considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program, I would tell them with a resounding YES, to do it!! I would tell them that it could potentially be the difference between the birth they desire versus the birth the doctors or someone else wants for them. The ability to make your own educated decisions during pregnancy and childbirth is priceless and that is what Werk Your Birth provides, empowerment and self-advocacy.

Watch tyschell share her story live on Instagram!

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @blackturally @mike_carson22

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website