A beautiful birth story about deliverance: Surrender to God and trust Him.

Today, we would like to introduce you to Jessica Green.

Jessica, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story!

What was your greatest challenges in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining Werk Your Birth program?

Battling fear passed down from a generation of mothers. I was told to experience pain and discomfort on a variety of levels for my life moving forward. Birth and motherhood would always be hard.

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

You introduced birth in a new way that I truly believed was possible. There was an ease (with the gentle touch of truth) that I had yet to hear from any other mothers. 

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so tell us about your birth? Walk us through your story! 

I started having contractions the day before my due date. I got excited. They picked up quickly and within a few hours, I was already using the shower. I was sure it would happen quickly. We packed up our things to head to the hospital despite not having lost my mucus plug. Contractions were between 3-5 mins apart and I could not talk through them.

We got to the hospital and I got checked (mistake 1). I was 0 cm dilated! I was discouraged. I was 90% effaced which the midwife assured was a good sign. She said I could go home to labor if I wanted to. I declined because I didn't think I would manage the drive and I was "sure" I would progress quickly (mistake 2). It was about 4 hours later when i was checked again. This time I was at 4. My favorite midwife informed me she would be leaving but another midwife (one i was not a fan of because of her negative attitude) would be there soon.

I used the tub...shower...the ball. I felt a lot of pressure in my butt and back.

4 hours later... my not so favorite midwife came to check me... I was at a 6.

Van was BRILLIANT the whole time and I really couldn't have asked for a better partner.

HER on the other hand.... I learned how vital it is to protect your space. She was offering to take photos etc... Van and i were like "read the room.....remove yourself and give us privacy"

I stayed at a 6 for another 4 hours. She started talking about pitocin. I said wait.

Then another 4 hours went by... i was still at a 6.

Fear kicked in and this is where it all went bad. I was afraid to feel the pain associated with pitocin. I asked for an epidural. I had been laboring almost 26 hours and i was tired and wanted to rest.

I got it. They started pitocin gently to see how elliot would tolerate it. I rested and labored in peace.

A few moments later 5 nurses rushed in and flipped me on all fours and put an oxygen mask on me. I had no idea what was going on . I didn't ask. I just knew I had to stay calm. I focused on my breathing and closed my eyes.

Elliot had a decel. They pulled back on the pitocin. He had little variability in his hearrate which was concerning.

Then she suggested fetal monitoring on his scalp. They monitored my contractions and determined they weren't progressing. Then she suggested breaking my water to try and "get things moving"

Exhaustion hit me and i just agreed. It's a marathon...and i don't think i was fully prepared to endure that. not in the environment

By now... I had been at a 6 for over 10-12 hours. She came in... pulled up a chair all affirmative and stuff and said "I'm pulling the panic button. You need to think about a c-section"

I told her to leave us alone to discuss. I cried. For a long time. Sobbed. Felt like i failed. Van remained strong and assured. We both just wanted elliot here safely. We waited until this midwife was off duty and told the incoming midwife we would do the c-section. I didn't want to risk being in an emergency situation where Van wouldn't be allowed in the room.

The new midwife was calm and reassuring. We tried a few more hours to progress. Then i was prepped for the c-section.

I spent the first 5 months struggling with the trauma of it all. Theres a lot that happened during that c-section that i just found demeaning. I wont go into detail now but i can now. Elliot arrive 11:53pm on his due date. Not quite late but right on time lol

I went through deliverance around 5 months PP. I had been dealing with PPD and i was drowning. During my deliverance, I was brought back to the OR table. Where visually, spiritually I had to get up and walk away from the OR room. I had to take my spirit back and leave and area that robbed me in a vulnerable position.

Since then, i see it all differently. I see God's plan. I see His grace. I see His restoration. I never thought it was possible but i found freedom.

I thought...if i knew enough, i could control this process... God laughed.

What this requires is surrender. It's always an act of surrender. and my resistance is likely what cost me an "ideal" birth. But my birth was ideal. Theres a level and an experience I would never have and be able to talk about if it wasn't for elliot.

I love it.

Biggest lessons:

Protect your space.

Surrender to God.

It's a marathon. Take your time and release any desire to control.

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

THE KNOWLEDGE!!! We knew what it all meant. navigation was possible only with this knowledge. Also the community. The other mamas willing to offer advice and support was/is everything

This could be your story too. Apply here. 

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

Van was a great partner because of the knowledge of the program. I needed him and he was able to show up exactly how I needed him. He was able to remain calm when I lost my ish and he just gave me the space I needed to freak out and then brought me back to what we knew. 

Were there any results you weren't expecting that pleasantly surprised you? 

I never thought I would have PPD as bad as I did and able to come out of the other side COMPLETELY restored five months later. Also, Van’s participation in it all.

What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

There's too much crap on the internet. find one source you trust. Stay away from forums. Surrender to God. TRUST.

Do not think that knowledge means you have control how labor is going to go. God decides. give yourself a chance in all scenarios. My biggest mistake was preparing to NOT have a c-section 

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

1000% worth it. I'm already recommending it to new mamas coming. invest in the community. invest in the knowledge.

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @iamjessica_g

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website