"Giving birth really taught me to live in the moment and just let go"

Today, we would like to introduce you to Ja’Nay Duran. 

Ja’Nay, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story! Before we get too deep into the birth, can you tell us a little 

What was your greatest challenge in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining Werk Your Birth program?

Not knowing what to really expect.

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

I stumbled across your page on instagram and started watching saved stories and posts.

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so tell us about your birth? Walk us through your story! 

I remember not being able to sleep after feeling contractions and feeling like I was ready to go to the birthing center. I didn’t think that I could walk up the stairs to my selected birthing suite, but I had no choice since the room downstairs hadn’t been cleaned yet.

I really wanted a water birth, but my baby didn’t lol. However, Being in the water helped me relax in a way, but my contractions were the most intense there.

I remember having to do inversions while laboring to turn my baby. They weren’t the most comfortable during the process, but they were helpful.

Looking back on my birth I don’t feel like the first midwife that was on duty for me was very helpful or hands on with me. It felt like I was there with my husband and doula waiting for instructions on how to move things along while the midwife relaxed in my bed watching. I really didn’t have time to focus on that but it is a memory that I have that bothered me that I didn’t allow to upset me in the moment.

We’re grateful to have had Chanel there with us because as first time parents; let’s be honest, we had no idea what to expect or what to do. When I saw the actual midwife that I connected with the most and actually preferred to deliver our son, I felt better. She looked like me and I felt she was there for me and it made me feel even more special to know she was there for me on her day off. I was looking for guidance during this process and She instructed me on what to do and things to try to move things along and I trusted her; and apparently so did my son since he finally came out not long after her arrival.

I needed up giving birth on a wooden birthing chair that I had no idea even existed to begin with. My birth wasn’t what I planned it to be in my head but most things don’t turn out how we they should and giving birth really taught me to live in the moment and just let go and to not be so controlling of things. Close to 11 hours of labor and I finally got to meet the baby that made me a mommy and turned me into a real life superwoman. He’s a constant reminder that I can literally do anything in this world and go into it fearless. 

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

I was more equipped with the knowledge on what to do for many different scenarios - Whether good or bad. 

This could be your story too. Apply here. 

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

It opened our eyes to many subjects we hadn’t thought of discussing and provided us with information we didn’t think to learn about. 

Were there any results you weren't expecting that pleasantly surprised you? 


What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

Exercise! I wish I pushed myself more to exercise. I wasn’t tired during labor but I don’t think I prepared my body the best that I could have in order for the delivery to go a little smoother. I do feel as if I was prepared and ready mentally however. 

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

Do the work. You can never be too prepared when you’re going into something new and foreign 

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @Henjaduran

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website