"Education was a game changer and just knowing it was possible"

Today, we would like to introduce you to Jhanilka Hartzog.

Jhanilka, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story! 

What was/were your greatest challenges in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining Werk Your Birth program?

Not knowing whereto find the information that could educate myself and my husband and making both of us feel comfortable. 

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

Because we had a baby on the way and we wanted to be knowledgeable.

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so tell us about your birth? Walk us through your story! 

It started with my water breaking at 11pm on a Saturday night, calling Chanel and she saying to get some rest. On Sunday we waited until I couldn't take it anymore to call her and she came to the house where we walked outside and did a lot of movement. We checked into the hospital around 2pm on Sunday at that time I was only 4 cm dilated. We did all the exercises she spoke about in the course at the hospital (cant remember names of the exercises at this point) I was in the shower which made a HUGE difference I was even put into a tub the hospital had to help with the contractions. Chanel had me smelling oils, helped with my back, and even helped with positions of pushing and keeping me calm.  After what felt like days I couldn't take the pain anymore and requested the epidural at 2am Monday and delivered my baby girl at 7 am Monday. 

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

Just the education alone was a game changer and knowing what is possible 

This could be your story too. Apply here.

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

Made us know what to expect and what we were walking into.

Were there any results you weren't expecting that pleasantly surprised you? 

Her continuous support and spirit which was so sweet.

What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

Don't read the stats you hear out there, listen to Chanel she won't steer you wrong.

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

It's a no brainer, I promise you there is information in here you haven't considered or even know about. 

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @thehartrimony

Jhanilka and her husband Anthony were gracious enough to host me on their podcast (The Hartzog Hustle) and let me share all about my doula journey and what I do/how I get to help so many women have an empowering birth. Jhanilka even shares part of her birth story and I am grateful to have been a part of it!

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website