Quick and supernatural vaginal breech birth story

Today, we would like to introduce you to Anisa Thomas. 

Thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story Anisa! 

Before we get too deep into the birth, can you tell us a little bit about your little one?

Just a fun fact, my husband’s name is Samuel Thomas and we named our son after his daddy so his name is also Samuel Thomas.

What was your greatest challenge in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining Werk Your Birth program?

Learning what to expect and the best way to prepare.

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

I wanted to be fully educated and fully prepared.

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so Walk us through your Birth story! 

My baby was breech and after multiple attempts to try to turn the baby (my own personal attempts and ECV) the baby would not turn. I was so discouraged, but continued to trust and believe that God would answer my prayers of having a Holy Spirit filled, natural, unmedicated, painless, peaceful and quick delivery. The afternoon after the failed ECV (I was 39.3 weeks) I was so tired from the procedure and also a bit discouraged, so I decided to refresh myself with labor knowledge and log into Chanel's course. I came across the story of the woman who had a natural breech delivery. Hearing her story was so encouraging and reminded me that even though what I desired in human eyes appeared to be challenging and impossible, nothing is impossible with God. From that time, I was encouraged and had newfound hope and faith. Later that night before going to bed, my husband and I watched a comedy special on Netflix. I laughed for almost 1 hour straight. I decided to go to bed shortly after the comedy special ended and as I got into bed, my water broke. I was shocked and confused, but realized that I was in labor. After my water broke I began to have regular intense contractions and when I asked my husband to time them, we realized they were every occurring every 1.5-2 minutes, lasting 30 seconds long. I called my OB and we immediately headed to the hospital. When we got to the hospital about 15 minutes later, we waited in triage for about 10 minutes before they brought me to the a triage room. I gave the nurse the run-down and told her my baby was breech, she then asked if she could check me and realized that I was 9.5 cm dilated, all the while I wanted to push and realized that I couldn't stop myself from pushing during each contraction (fetal ejection reflex kicking in!) Moments later, three or four nurses came scrambling into my room, stuck an IV in me and then began to wheel me down to an L&D room While in the hallway, I felt something come out. When we got to the room, I asked my husband to see if anything had come out. To our surprise, my husband exclaimed "Oh I see two feet! I knew the baby was coming out and I didn't want him to get stuck. My OB hadn't arrived yet, and the only people present were my myself, my husband, and two L&D nurses. While still on the stretcher and halfway in the door of the room, I asked the nurse standing beside me what I should do? She answered, "just do what your body is telling you to do!" I immediately squatted on the stretcher, holding onto the rails and pushed. After two quick pushes, my baby was out. He came out crying, without any complications and I give ALL praise to GOD for doing exceeding, abundantly, above all I could ask or imagine. My birth was everything I prayed for and more. Holy Spirit filled, natural, unmedicated, peaceful, quick and painless.

We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we forget how God has led us in the past (-Ellen G. White). My message for expecting mother: Hold onto God's hand, make your request known unto Him, trust and believe in Him and watch do miracles in your life. Being spiritually connected is probably one of the most important aspects in preparing for birth. We must ever be connected with the creator and giver of life. This is my testimony, God is GOOD!

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

The platform that Chanel created gave me the education and encouragement that I needed to prepare for birth!

This could be your story too. Apply here. 

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

This platform has encouraged me, given me community, resources, and tools to navigate pregnancy and postpartum!

What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

Be educated, know your rights, prepare as best as you can and most importantly, do not forsake being spiritually connected to God throughout your pregnancy and in postpartum!

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

Invest in this course!! It is totally worth it!!!

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @anisa.a.o.

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website