Hey mama!
I never imagined my first birth would end in an emergency C-section.
Although I thought I was prepared, I learned the hard way that Google, social media, and my hospital birth class wasn’t enough to help me navigate the birth experience I desired.
It left me traumatized about birth - fearful of having more kids…
My gut told me there had to be a better way to give birth, so I dedicated myself to healing, overcoming fears and trusting my body to do what it was designed to do.
My body did the most amazing thing - it birthed two more babies in the most supernatural way. Birth connected me to myself and God in a way that I never experienced before.
Through the work of preparing for birth and experiencing it, I fell in love with giving birth.
From these experiences, I have created a proven process of going from fearful to empowered in birth. Fear will always exist where knowledge doesn’t and knowledge is power.
I am committed to helping you have this power over your birth story.
Let’s get to werk.