6 ways to naturally induce labor

You’re most likely reading this blog post because you have been searching “how to naturally induce labor” on the internet because you are 38+ weeks pregnant and so OVER IT! Probably feeling like a beach whale at the moment. Trust me mama, I’ve been there too. I get it! 

Allowing for spontaneous labor rather than medical induction can create a better outcome for your labor and delivery efforts. I’m not saying that being induced is bad, but what I am saying is that we should try our best to avoid disrupting this natural process. Our goal should be to work with the process instead of against it. The more you know the better chances you have of advocating for yourself and creating the birth experience you want. I’m here to help educate and empower you to advocate for yourself and enjoy the beautiful birthing process. 

Here’s our reality: the baby will come when he or she is ready. But, if you do desire to help nudge your baby along and encourage them earthside in a very natural and non-invasive way, I want to share with you some of my favorite ways to do that could possibly help baby make their entrance sooner rather than later.. 

1.) Oxytocin aka Sex

Oxytocin is the love hormone and is how labor begins and progresses. You can release the oxytocin hormone through physical touch, feel-good things, kissing, sex, and nipple stimulation. The release of the oxytocin hormone helps start contractions while also softening the cervix to prepare for the birth of the baby. 

To add to that, sperm contains the only natural prostaglandin which helps our cervix soften in preparation for labor. So sex is kind of a double whammy - although in some instances it may not be appropriate, so consult your doctor, doula, or midwife to ensure you and the baby are safe. 

2.) Induction Massage/Acupressure Points

Did you know there were acupressure points that could induce labor in your body? Having an induction massage scheduled for your due date or shortly after could help your body naturally go into labor! Although many studies (from the National Library of medicine) have shown no difference between the outcomes of labor, studies have shown that it can help prepare the cervix

In my personal experience, I had an induction massage with my second baby on my due date and didn’t have my baby until 8 days later. Then, with my third baby, I had an induction bodywork appointment a day after my due date, and the I went into labor the next day. So, it can happen quickly but it’s not always a guarantee.

3.) Exercise

Yes - get up and move!! I know you won’t feel like getting up and moving but it definitely helps speed up labor because it helps increase the blood flow which can help with cervical dilation. Make sure to do specific exercises and movements that will open up the pelvis, help the baby engage, and potentially encourage the baby to come sooner. Squats, lunging, and walking are all great options. And of course, a birthing ball is always popular because it is a more comfortable exercise for most moms and the circular movement can help with hip pain.

I have a YouTube video sharing so many good pregnancy birthing exercises to help prepare the body for labor. You can watch them below.

4.) Miles Circuit/Curb Walking

Want to help the baby engage in the proper birthing position? The Miles Circuit and curb walking can help the baby engage in the pelvis or help encourage the baby to get into an optimal position for labor. Moving your body in the correct way can help move the baby's body into the birthing position. 

If you want to do your own research and learn more about the Miles circuit you can do so HERE.

5.) Nipple Stimulation

Pumping or manual stimulation of the nipple can be very effective in inducing labor because of the hormones released. The same hormones released for sex (oxytocin) are also released with nipple stimulation/pumping and can help your uterus begin to contract. Another benefit of pumping is that it can help supply breast milk early (although this is not necessary before your baby is born). Nipple Stimulation can be done manually or with a pump. I recommend the Spectra Pump or Handsfree Elvie Pump.

You can also find a list of my favorite Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Must-Haves on Amazon HERE.

6.) Birth Tinctures/Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

I swear by these. You can drink red raspberry leaf tea throughout your pregnancy and start your tincture around 35/36 weeks. They’ve been said to help shorten labor as well because they can help strengthen the walls of the uterus. 

Here is my favorite labor tincture.

You can read more about the benefits of red raspberry leaf tea from Baby Center.

Please remember to always have a discussion with your provider before beginning anything new. Everybody is different and every pregnancy is different. It is important to do what is best for you and the baby. Keep in mind that this process takes time and while you may not see the immediate effects, your body and baby are doing their jobs and your body will respond when it’s ready. 

Release control and stress. Enjoy these last moments. You’ll meet your baby soon.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about naturally preparing your body for labor. If you want more information, you can download my FREE birth template (+5-day guidance on completing it).

When you start laboring I want you to be prepared. Watch the video below to know when to rest, when to move, how to breathe, and when to push!