"Mama who had a positive medicated birth experience"

Today, we would like to introduce you to Amanda Fernandez.

Amanda, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story! 

What was your greatest challenge in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining the Werk Your Birth program?

The greatest challenge before working with Chanel was not having a trusted source for information. Google can be overwhelming and family members all have differing opinions. I didn't have one place to get the support for my questions. 

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

Watching Chanel on IG made me feel secure because her information was easy to digest and she was so confident. Hearing her interviews with her clients made me feel as if she would be there for me personally and not push an agenda. She gave such great attention to every single one of her clients. I wanted to be a part of that community where even though I was far, I was supported in the best way possible. My husband and I also knew that we wanted to do this independently and not have too many people on our birth team present as we were learning and reading books and wanted to put our knowledge to work and this was a good compromise.

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so tell us about your birth? Walk us through your story! 

My mucus plug was lost a few days before labor started. I had went in for my 38 week check up and the doctor joked that I can give birth that weekend . Losing your mucus plug isn't an indication of labor coming so I just brushed it off. 48 hours later I began to feel slight cramping. I figured I am probably starting labor but they were not consistent. I went about my day and made sure I went for walks. On sunday afternoon, contractions started getting more intense but not consistent. My husband and I went about our weekend and reminded each other that if we focused on what us to come we were allowing the process to have control. Sunday afternoon, I did decide to lay down because the pain even if not consistent was tough to tolerate. Sunday night things kicked off. 

It felt like everything escalated. We knew early labor had begun. Contractions were intense and now had a pattern of about 15  minutes. My husband got ready for rest and we stayed in each others company. I began the early labor stretches from the course in between surges and when I had a surge practiced breathing through. I decided to sit at the dilation station for 2-3 surges. 

My husband timed contractions and reminded me to breathe and let my body and muscles do the work. I also bounced on the ball and at one point, my husband urged me to just rest and sleep. We laid down together and he held me while timing contractions and sleeping in between.

We did this until the wee hours of Monday morning (Halloween!) At 5 am we were laying in bed together and I felt my stomach and body start to shake. I became very very cold. Suddenly, I felt like something was going to "explode". I ran to the bathroom got on the toilet and BOOM- my water broke and gushed out.

I became so so emotional. I started to cry and Anthony ran to the bathroom and said " What is going on". I had a mini panic attack. It was in that moment, that I realized that I am IN IT and my son is going to come earth side and HOLY CRAP I am in labor! Anthony calmed me down by giving me the body massages we learned in the course. He urged me to continue to rest but my body told me different- I NEEDED to move. I switched between dilation station and the stretches/ball. 

Surges began to increase and come quicker. They went from 15 minutes to 9 minutes. Once we got to 6 minutes, I called my hospital. I live in NJ and am about 30 minutes away from the hospital but it was Monday morning 6 am and we knew NYC traffic won't allow us to have such an easy commute. We decided to call in. After getting a call back from the hospital (which took forever it felt like) we left.

We got to the hospital parking garage and we gathered all of the items in the car and walked over. I had to stop mid street to have a surge and Anthony says "Babe, you can't stop in the middle of the street". I had NO CHOICE.

Then I stopped again while going up the stairs to the entrance. The security guard put me in a wheel chair and rushed me up to the labor floor.

I checked in to triage and changed. I told the nurse "I am so sorry, I keep leaking, I am so wet". She laughed and said "it's ok, here is a bag for your clothes". Silly me apologizing like she has not seen so many things before but I guess I just wanted to be polite.

I get checked and am 3 cm with my water broken they admitted me. We get to our room and Anthony begins to take out the oil diffuser, get my ball and I continue to focus on my surges. I asked to go into the shower and the nurse said she had to ask the doctor. So, I just walked around the hospital room. They begin to get me set up with wireless monitoring and IV.

I began to get more intense surges and tried to squat. When I went to squat, I almost fell on the floor. I felt my legs were so weak. The nurse asked if I wanted to lay down but the pain was intense and I knew that laying down won't help. I needed movement. Anthony embraced me and we begin to rock together through surges. At this point, because I did not sleep for a whole day I became so tired and fatigued. The nurse asked about pain medication and I declined. After about 30 minutes, I looked at Anthony and said "I need the epidural". He looked at me and we went through the BRAIN method and he said "if you feel like you really want it, I support you but we also did a lot of preparation." I decided to get the epidural. Prior to that the hospital staff allowed me to eat and order from the hospital cafe. I had a MAJOR breakfast! The nurse came in the room to just do a few checks on the monitor but allowed us the privacy we requested through the process. She joked with us and even helped guide me through the epidural and allowed me to squeeze her as much as I needed.

Hours go by and after I was able to rest , the PA comes in to ask to check me. I declined at first but since hours had gone by I then allowed her to do so. She said I was still around 3/4 cm and had not progressed. She introduced the idea of Pitocin. She was so kind and gave us all of the information and said "this is your choice but I wanted to inform you of the option". Anthony asked for privacy and we began to talk through it with the BRAIN method. I then asked to have help in using the peanut ball to turn me in different positions which the nurse helped. After a few more hours and we are in late afternoon, there was no change. Another PA assistant comes in and tells me my dilation, effacement, and station. I was still at a -/0 station but I was dilated. I then became instantly worried and began to get emotional because I knew exactly what that meant- Lucas was still high in pelvis. This was not the vision I had for my labor and I was worried they would push c-section. The PA and my husband were the best cheerleaders in letting me know that I was doing all I can and to continue to trust my body. Soon after, I began to get chills and feel stuffy. I told the nurse that I felt like I had a "cold" and the baby's heartbeat was high. I was diagnosed with chorioamnionitis . I needed antibiotics.

Hours go by again and it is 11 pm. I begin to feel more intense pain in my anus area. My husband asks if I want more epidural but I did not want to have any more. I did not want to depend on it. So I had the bare minimum even though everyone encouraged me to keep "pressing the button". The PA then comes in and says "let's push". I was hesitant because I was not at the correct station but also wanted Lucas out so bad.

I agreed and they begin to get ready and the doctor comes in. I ask to push on my side to which they agree immediately and instruct Anthony how he can help and myself.

We tried pushing on both sides for some time without any progress. I tell the team that I did not want to push on my back but would try. They agreed and said "let's try and then we can go back to your side." As I was pushing, the PA , nurse, and doctor instructed me , counted my J breaths and cheered me on. I never felt so powerful. All I heard was "Go, go , go , go AMAZING, You are doing it, YES, yes" Anthony said they were so hype even when nothing was happening (although we know things were and he was coming down my pelvis.). We stopped to take breaks and watch monitor for contractions and communicate with each other. I never felt out of the conversation about my body. I focused on my body and feeling the need to push.

We pushed for an hour with my cheer squad bringing the energy the entire time. It was so wonderful but also overwhelming. I was giving it my ALL. Too much that I had to have an oxygen mask 1-2 times. When baby started to come out, Anthony's eyes widened and said "OMG, THE HEAD." That was all I needed to get to the finish line and through the ring of fire. I screamed but not because of pain but because I felt like I tapped into my womanhood. I felt invincible.

Lucas came at 1:05 am and the hospital provided me "golden hour" which was a standard in the hospital.

Lucas did have to be monitored in NICU because of my infection but I was able to see him in the early morning and begin the breatfeeding journey.

I had the MOST POSITIVE HOSPITAL BIRTH and loved my birth team , my husband, and how much we were taken care of. Not ONE THING was 'pushed" on us , we were always given the option to decline, talk things over and ask questions. Every nurse in postpartum recovery helped us swaddle, understand how to burp , and the best food on the hospital menu. We felt so taken care of and cared for.

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

I don't regret a thing and was proud to have the knowledge to make informed decisions and understand my body and options. We had the tools and that took the fear out of birth. We were aware , confident, and most importantly going through the course made us closer ! 

This could be your story too. Apply here. 

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

We knew what communication we needed and we were on the same page the entire time! My husband went into partner mode and was open minded , confident, and focused on what I needed without question. We were so in sync and that's because through the course we were able to have conversations about what we were learning and what we wanted to implement. 

Were there any results you weren't expecting that pleasantly surprised you? 

Learning how to take care of myself postpartum. It wasn't something I thought much into but the course provided me the space to think about that. 

What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

Take advantage of understanding the language of birth, your body, providers etc. You will be so confident and it's important to speak the same language as your provider. Birth is beautiful and be open minded to build your story as you go. Your plan may not go as planned but your story no matter what it looks like will be beautiful and meant just for you and your family. Lean into that.

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

100% worth everything. There are courses that are just courses but this program provides you such an invaluable community of learning and growth. You feel a part of a family and that was the cherry on top. Going through this major life experience no matter how much support you have with family, getting real time advice and support from other women and Chanel was amazing

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @aczayas

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website