Long births aren't as bad as people make them seem

Today, we would like to introduce you to Emilee Sheppard.

Emilee, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn more about your birth story! Before we get too deep into the birth, can you tell us a little 

What was/were your greatest challenges in preparing for your birth BEFORE joining Werk Your Birth program?

Finding the right education was really difficult for me. As a first time mom I wanted to be prepared, but social media throws so many different opinions and stories (good and bad) and it became overwhelming. I wanted to be sure I was being educated properly and also prepared for what to expect. That’s when I found Chanel and she changed the game for us!

What made you decide to join Werk Your Birth? 

My mindset and goals were on the same wavelength as yours. Everything I watched and read on your page just aligned with my thinking and I felt called to reach out

To learn more about how you and your partner can become prepared for birth, check out my virtual birth coaching here.

Okay, so tell us about your birth? Walk us through your story! 

My expected due date was July 4th. At my appointment on June 30th, an OB I was seeing that day, suggested I set up an induction and I wasn’t interested in seeing that through as I had PLENTY of time for baby girl to come. Later on I got a prenantal massage and asked for some pressure points to be applied to maybe get the ball rolling. By the 1st, I was having light contractions. Easy to manage, talk through etc. I stayed that way all day, trying to rest (but we were so excited) and at 1am July 2nd I had lost my mucus plug. Contractions contributed but nothing I couldn’t handle so we decided to just keep riding this out at home. By about 6am on July 3rd, I was feeling them pretty well, and I was GBS+ so I decided to call my MW and she suggested I head in. Out of curiosity I asked to be checked and I was surprised when they said I was at a 6/7! Most of my labor was in my lower back so I took full advantage of the hot shower for 90% of the time.

Although my original birthing plan did not go exactly how I wanted it to, I knew going into it not to hold any true expectations to avoid being disappointed in myself.

Acacia was born 7/3/22 at 8:36pm weighing 6lbs 11oz and 19.5inches of pure perfection. She was delivered by her daddy which was such a memorable experience for us both and I will never forget it! 

How did Werk Your Birth positively impact your birthing experience? 

I feel confident with my pregnancy and L&D with the information Chanel’s course gave my husband and I. We felt informed, we felt prepared, we knew we would have all the tools we needed when the day came. When I couldn’t answer questions from hospital staff, Ray knew how to answer for me and to advocate for me. After she was born, we knew decisions that needed to be made and we made our wishes clear. We had a wonderful experience and we owe it all to Chanel. 

This could be your story too. Apply here. 

What has this program done for you (and your partner)? 

For the remainder of my pregnancy and postpartum, our bond became closer in so many ways. Taking our class together every Thursday night and practicing our positioning, ice tricks, writing our goals, made such an amazing impact. We felt more connected than we ever did before and becoming parents has only made us stronger. 

Were there any results you weren't expecting that pleasantly surprised you? 

Towards the end of pregnancy, my daughter was still transverse. I didn’t want to accept the fact I’d need a cesarean, so I reached out to Chanel for advice. She informed me of some tricks and suggestions to flip baby and while I wanted it to work so bad, I wasn’t hopeful. I never should’ve doubted her because a week before she was born she had flipped head down! 

What would you tell a mama who is hoping to prepare for birth? 

Do your research, invest in Werk Your Birth, take deep breaths and know you were made to do this

Before we end, what would you tell someone who is considering investing in the Werk Your Birth program? 

That’s exactly what it is. It’s an investment into the most life changing moment you will ever experience. You wouldn’t drive a car without test driving it and researching it first, you wouldn’t buy a house without viewing it and looking at it property details, so why would you go into the birth of your child without any knowledge, and practice, any idea of what to expect? Investing in this course truly changed my life and my labor experience and if I were to ever have another, I’d invest again just because I love it and the community so much. 

Be sure to follow this mama on her journey on Instagram @emilee_sheppard_

“Birth made our bond closer in so many ways”

If you have been a part of my Werk Your Birth program and want to be interviewed, fill out this link.

Do you have a desire to join our community and become empowered during your pregnancy and birth, join here.

Looking for more information? Take a look around because we have so many resources available to you (and your partner) on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and of course here on our website.

hear the juicy deets of Emilee’s birth story interview on youtube!